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The North Ridge Buzzard: Flashback is back with Brad Fuller

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Flashback is back with Brad Fuller

After a 2-year hiatus, Flashback returns to central PA with a new show and two new members. One of the new members is North Ridge resident Brad Fuller.

The five-piece band offers a variety of danceable rock 'n roll, classic rock, blues, and country.
Checkout Flashback on their new website.
Flashback plays this evening at Mechanicsburg Legion 109. The Flashback website has all of the details on this evenings show as well as future shows.
Here is Fuller's bio from the official Flashback site.
Brad Fuller has been in about 10 different bands since learning the guitar and drums at 13. He played drums in "Aries" and guitar in "Standing Room Only." After college, in the mid-late eighties, he played bass in a rock band called "Python" and drums in "Hillbilly Fever," a country-rock band.

Brad moved to Pittsburgh in '90 for a mechanical engineering post with Westinghouse designing nuclear reactors. It's fitting that the band he co-formed, originally playing drums then switching to guitar and bass, be called "The Nuclear Blues Band." That group played Pittsburgh clubs/bars from the mid '90s through 2000.

In 2001, he joined a country, gospel group called "The King's Messenger" and played lead guitar, mandolin and banjo.


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